to the Scottsboro BBQ Festival, held the second Saturday of October each year on the Downtown Square in Scottsboro, Ala.
The 2025 Festival will be held Saturday, October 11th!
Merchandise, Food, and other Vendors!
Backyard Contestant Cook Teams!
FREE Admission to the Festival!
General Festival Hours - Various Activities All Day!
2024 BBQ Festival Results
People’s Choice Sampling Competition
Boston Butt Category
First Place - #19, Deviant Smoke
Second Place #18, Lela Q
Third Place #11, Phoenix BBQ
Dessert Category
First Place #20, FOCAS Smokas
Second Place #23, Harbin Automotive
Third Place # 25, Allison Hastings
Judge’s Choice Meat
#15 SEPB, Doug Wright
Judge’s Choice Dessert
#25 Allison Hastings
Best Decorated Table
#21 Ken Looney
Backyard Competition
Represented by 38 teams from five states. Eight of those teams are in the top 24 KCBS Backyard Division.
Overall in Both Ribs & Chicken
Grand Champion – Rollin Smoke BBQ
Reserve Grand Champion – Dixie Pigs & Chicks
Ribs (Top 5 Placers)
First Place – Curly Bird BBQ
Second Place – Hickory Hangover
Third Place – Rollin Smoke BBQ
Fourth Place – Electo-Que-Ted
Fifth Place – Dixie Pigs & Chicks
Chicken (Top 5 Placers)
First Place – Brothers Q BBQ Supply
Second Place – Rollin Smoke BBQ
Third Place – Dixie Pigs & Chicks
Fourth Place – Electro-Que-Ted
Fifth Place – Ghost Hill BBQ
Backyard Battle Royal
(Combined scores from competitors entering the Scottsboro BBQ Festival, Singing River Smoke-o-rama, High on the Hog Festival, Ditto Landing, St. Bernard Prep Blues & BBQ.)
First Place - Electro-Que-Ted $2000
Second Place - Smokey Bees BBQ $500
Platinum Sponsors

2024 Schedule of Activities
Food Vendors 10am-4pm
Arts & Crafts Vendors
9am-11:30am Registration
12pm Dog Parade Begins
Judging in Dog Show Follows
Award announced at the end.
Categories to enter include Cutest Dog, Most Talented and Best Costume, plus a Best In Show.
Dog Show & Parade
12pm-1pm Registration
(Online and On-Site)
& Warm-Ups
1pm Tournament Starts
Awards announced at end.
Cornhole Tournament
12pm-12:45pm Contestant Check-in and Setup
1pm-2pm Public Sampling with purchase of a $10 ticket
3pm Awards Announced
People's Choice Competition Sampling
12:00pm - JT Clark
2pm - Jay Jenkins
3pm - The Muddy Water Band
Live Entertainment
9am-1pm Registration
(On-Site Only)
1pm Awards
$100 Cash Given Away Each Hour
Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show
9:30am Check-In
10am Start Grilling
11:15am Burgers Due
1:30pm Awards
Kids-Q Competition
7:30am Cooks Meeting
4pm Chicken Due
4:30pm Ribs Due
6pm Awards
Backyard Competition
Must be 21 or older with valid ID and wear wristband to consume alcohol within the barricaded area.
Beer Garden
Park at Unclaimed Baggage, Akins Furniture, Patches Merchant Emporium for free and ride the free shuttle to the square!
The Broad St shuttle will be wheelchair accessible.
FREE Parking Shuttles
9am-1:30pm Registration (on-Site and Online)
1:30pm Line-up Starts
2pm Witches Ride/Walk Starts
Visit the link below for details or to Pre-Register Online!
Witches Ride
Some activities require a small fee. Inflatables and Fishing Pond free to join!
Kids Fun Zone
Activities for the Entire Family!
Visitors get the chance to purchase a ticket to sample up to 10 Boston Butts and up to 10 Desserts in the annual People's Choice Competition. Tickets may be purchased at the Welcome Tent or at the People's Choice area for $10. After sampling the meat and dessert, you return to vote for your favorite in each category!
People's Choice Competition

This year we have so many kids activities that we couldn't possible put them all in one location! As always, we have a variety of inflatables, our pumpkin bowling, face painting, the Euro Bungy, obstacle course, Kids-Q Competition, and returning in 2024 is the fishing pond!
Some activities are free and some require a small fee to participate, but there is something for everyone of every age, including the Cornhole Tournament on the south side of the square!
Kid's Fun Zone

Kids ages 5-12 grill a burger in the Kids-Q Contest, during the morning hours of the festival. Pre-registration required.
Kids-Q Contest

Teams sign up to compete for cash prizes in the annual Cornhole Tournament, conducted by Alabama Cornhole. Teams may register on-site between 12pm-1pm with the tournament starting at 1pm. Awards will follow at the end of the contest. Cash prizes: 1st Place $150, 2nd Place $80, 3rd Place $50. Trophies awarded to the Championship team and medals are awarded to the first and second place teams. Entry fee is $20 per team. Register Here!
Cornhole Tournament

Situated around City Hall is the Car Show. Participants can register their car in the morning hours for their chance to win cash prize and other goodies. On-site registration only.
Car/Tuck/Motorcycle Show

The Dog Show will be held on the northwest corner of the square near Payne's. Contestants may enter their dog in various categories to win cash prizes. Categories to enter include Cutest Dog, Most Talented and Best Costume, plus a Best In Show.
Barq-Off Dog Show & Parade

2024 BBQ Festival Vendors
Below is a list of vendors for the 2024 festival.
Food - Drink - Snacks
Amy's Events and Catering
Art Society of Jackson County
Bama Brittle
Beth’s Cupcakes and More
Duane Paul's BBQ
Granny D's Homemade Oven Fried Pies and Baked Goods
Mama T’s
Reaper's Revenge
Southern Sweet Treats and Breads
The Baking Boutique
The Confectionary
Tupelo Honey
Wildflower Fudge (Grannys Homemade Fudge)
Bubbleys Sugar Shack
Ice Dream Frozen Treats
Lemon Shakers
Lollibubbles Cotton Candy
Old Fashion Floats
Scottsboro QB Club
Travelin' Tom's Coffee
Blair Brothers
Blitz BBQ
Crossroads Bar-B-Que LLC
Delgado company
DogNation Food Truck
Full Feed Barbecue
JA Concessions
Joy Delivering SoCo
Lil’ Slats Smokehouze
McIllwain Kettle Corn
Mia’s Munchkins
Mobile Snack Bar
Papi’s Roasted Corn
Pappy’s Place
Preacher’s BBQ
Ram Grill dba All American Grill and BBQ
Rema’s Jamaican Kitchen
Rocket City Shaved Ice
Sand Mountain Bootleggers
Scooty’s Apples
Slats Smokehouze LLC
Sweet Seasons, LLC
T’s Freeze
The Tiny Jerk Spot
Two Morgan’s & Co
Zoe Life Farmstead
Businesses - Sponsor Booths - Other
Publix - Presenting Sponsor
Aids Alabama/Enroll Alabama
Avast Realty, LLC
Case Plumbing
County Road
Family Savings Credit Union
Habitat for Humanity of the River Valley
Pet Supplies Plus
Redmond Mortgage
Southeast Storage
The Insurance Ladies
United Fencing
United Paintball
Misc. Merchandise Vendors
618 Woodworking
8 Little Lambs Soapbox
Army Sisters
Bama Booth
Barnhouse Farms & Designs
BCS Ceramics
Beau's Boutique
Bee Gum Creek Flower Farm
Beemer Farms, LLC
Beritiech Farms Treats
Birdhouses Unlimited
Briar Rose Creations
Burkwood Forest
C&3 Designs
Connie’s tumblers
Crazy Cat Lady Crochets
Dawn's Designs
Dead Trees
Designs by Bethany
Door Decor
Fitted To a Tee Boutique
Fringe Boutique LLC
Furry Hippie Beard Company
Good Vibes Permanent Jewelry
Jewel Haven
Jordan Hancock - Local Author
KMac Threads
Kristi’s Kreations
Laurel Berry Artisanal Soaps
Let's Face It, Face Painting
Let’s Get Personalized LLC
Lilla Rose Hair Accessories
Liquid Blue T-shirts
Mandy’s Keychains
Maw Sudie Soap Co
Mayberry Creek LLC
McCamy & Green
McCoy Folk Art
Mechanical Bull of the South
My Sister's Keeper Boutique
NEC Collectables
Noah’s Glow Candle Company
OMG Honey
Parrish Creations
Revival Designs Engraving
Rezin Kreation
RMT Tumblers
Rockin H Designs
Rogue Thoughts Dice
S&S Designs
Salty Goddess
Salty Heifer Studio, LLC
Sanford and Sisters
Sena Coolers LLC
Shoreline Art
Squirrel Cat Creations
State of Mine
Straight Creek Studio
Sun Drops Handmade Suncatchers
Sweet Scrubs
Sweet Southern Boutique
Sweet Springs Creations
The Merchantile/Scentsy
The Milan Nicole Collection
TnT Sales
to Dye For
Vanessa Hancock Local Author
Wildflower Boutique
Woodcraft By Lew
Non-Profit Vendors
American Legion
EF High School Exchange Year
FBC Scottsboro
Jackson County Republicans
Life Resource Services
Scottsboro Masonic Lodge #359
SHS Drama Club
Backyard BBQ Contestant
(Check Back Soon)
To register as a vendor at the 2025 Scottsboro BBQ Festival's Backyard Competition, the button to Register as Backyard Team.
Those registering to compete in the People's Choice Competition, may also use the same link and complete the appropriate information.
If you would like to compete in the Backyard Competition, click the "Backyard Registration" button.
You may also use the same form if registering for the People's Choice Competition.
To also be a food vendor, you must select the Food Vender Registration button above and register separately.
Backyard Battle Royal
The 2024 Scottsboro BBQ Festival is part of the Backyard Battle Royal, with competitions including Singing River Smoke-o-rama, High on the Hog Festival, Ditto Landing, St. Bernard Prep Blues & BBQ. See details below.
Merchandise - Cottage - Non-Profit Vendors
Merchandise, Cottage and Non-Profit Vendors must use the link below to register. Once approved, an invoice will be sent to you. Vendor Fee for Merchandise or Cottage is $65 for early registration.
Non-Profit Vendor Fee is $45 (must submit non-profit status letter from IRS if selecting Non-Profit option.)
Prices increase June 1st.
Food - Drink - Snack Vendors
Food, Drink and Snack Vendors must use the link below to register. Once approved, an invoice will be sent to you. Food, Drink and Snack Vendor Fees are $95 for early registration.
Price increases June 1st.
All food vendors are subject to inspection by the health department and must follow safe food-handling practices.
Business Sponsor Booth (Non-Sales Vendors)
For Businesses wishing to promote their business, products, or services that are not selling a physical product at the festival are required to submit a Business Booth application by clicking the link below. Booth fee is $100 for early registration.
Price increases June 1st.
Vendor Registration will open February 1st for the 2025 10th Annual BBQ Festival!